You’re probably thinking, “How can I be a fun parent when I’m overwhelmed and ready to scream?”
I get it. Being playful sounds great in concept, but let’s get real. It’s the last thing you want to do when you’re tired, your kids are melting down, and the clock keeps ticking. And now during COVID-19, life is even more stressful with kids demanding non-stop attention.
A fun, playful parent? Yeah, right.
Here’s a secret: kids love to play. So when you approach things playfully, you work with your children rather than against them.
The trick is to think like your child.
Focus on what your child likes based on their age and preferences. Kids are more likely to cooperate when the task is fun and tied to something they enjoy.
Get Kids to Listen with Playful Parenting Want your children to willingly listen? Turn frustrating power struggles into a fun game. Learn how with Parenting—Let’s Make a Game of It, an entertaining book of 5-minute stories that teaches playful parenting—playfully. An Amazon #1 New Release in 7 parenting categories, it’s perfect for busy parents. |
10 Playful Tips How to Be a Fun Parent
Download a free printable with these 10 quick playful parenting tips.
1. Play Music
When you turn on music, unpleasant tasks turn into fun activities… and you become a fun, playful parent. Music energizes the mood and gets your kids moving faster.
Think of “Hakuna Matata” from The Lion King. This upbeat song will make anyone smile.
Play music when you want your kids to put away things, get ready in the morning, or do chores. It works like magic! Don’t be surprised if while working they start singing and dancing.
2. Sing
Kids love singing so transform your request into a song.
Sing like an opera singer, Brush your teeeeth! Wash your faaaace!
Or create a rap with a funky beat and different rhythms. Encourage your child to join in and improvise with you. 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4. My name is mommy and I see things on the floor. 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4. Gotta pick up, gotta pick up, gotta pick up your stuff.
Also, you can modify a popular song, like “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” Clean, clean, clean your room, and then we’ll have some fun. Remember to put away your toys, and then you’ll be all done!
When you relate to your children through singing, you’ll quickly become a fun, playful parent. And they’ll enjoy helping.
3. Talk Silly
To instantly set a playful mood and get your child’s attention, use a silly voice. This is especially true when you emphasize words, wave your arms, exaggerate your tone, and make funny faces.
When the room is a mess, you can demand, Pick up your toys! But that’s stressful for everyone and doesn’t yield the best results. Instead, with a big smile, ask in a silly way.
Pretend to be a puppy dog, barking your request. Woof, woof. Pick up your woof toys.
Speak like you’re from another planet, using some made-up gibberish. Pick up your wigglepiggly toys and ooglebosh put them in your room giddleip.
Or invent your own language.
Whatever you do, just be silly.
4. March, Hop, or Dance
Incorporate movement into tasks since kids like being active. When you march, dance, or skip, anything becomes more fun. It also uses up excess energy.
Let’s march to the sink with dirty dishes.
Go ahead and wiggle your body while brushing your teeth.
Hop like a bunny picking up your toys.
Why simply walk when you can bounce like Tigger?
5. Gamify It
You can create playful games for just about anything.
Want your kids to clean up the living room? Take turns rolling dice to determine how many items to pick up.
Is your child sick and not drinking liquids? Have them take a sip whenever they hear a word or name on TV.
Need help putting away the groceries? Play a scavenger hunt looking for specific items (fruits, veggies, etc.). You can even have them count the items for each category.
You can create many different types of games. Keep reading for other ideas.
6. Guess
Kids love to guess. So if you want to be a fun parent, turn tasks into a guessing game.
Guess how many items are in the dishwasher? Let’s count while we unload it.
How many songs will it take to put everything away?
How many things in this clean clothes basket are yours?
7. Race
Racing is another way to integrate playfulness into activities. Just set a timer, play music, or race against each other.
You can race while everyone gets ready in the morning.
When you want your kids to clean their room.
Tidying up after dinner.
Or whenever. It’s incredible how much can get done in a little amount of time.
8. Use Colors, Letters, and Numbers
Create a game using colors, letters, or numbers.
For instance, pick up everything that’s red. Then have someone shout a color and gather those things.
You can also collect items that start with the same letter. With older children, say the first letter of each item, which is a great way to turn the task into a playful learning opportunity.
If you prefer numbers, you can count aloud the number of books you collect. For instance, look for things that are red… start with the letter “B,” etc.
9. Toss
Ugh, dirty clothes are scattered everywhere. When you ask your kids to clean up, you merely get scowls and grunts.
Instead, make it fun with a tossing game. Grab the hamper and have your kids throw their clothes like a basketball. Score!
You can also toss nonbreakable toys into the toy chest.
Pass items from one person to the next, all the way to where it belongs.
Now cleaning up is fun!
10. Modify Favorite Games
You can also modify popular games.
Let’s play “Follow the Leader!” Who wants to go first and choose what everyone picks up?
I Spy with my little eye something red that needs to be cleaned up.
Simon says to wash your face. Simon says to brush your teeth. Stick out your tongue—wait, I didn’t say “Simon Says!”
Put the Fun in Parenting
Want to stop power struggles and connect with your kids?
Turn frustrating, everyday challenges into a fun game. Your children will listen and cooperate willingly.
Learn how with Parenting—Let’s Make a Game of It, an entertaining book of 5-minute stories that teaches playful parenting playfully. An Amazon #1 New Release in 7 parenting categories, it’s perfect for busy parents. Only $7.99 (eBook) and $9.99 (paperback) on Amazon.
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Great tips, practical and helpful. Very specific and detailed instructions on how to generate playful strategies.
Thanks Andrew. Here’s to parenting playfully! 🙂
Thanks! I didn’t realize this could be that easy. My favorite ones are singing, dancing, and playing music. Very clever!
Hi Michelle, I’m so glad you found this info helpful! I also like the same ones, but I’ve done them all (and still do!). Thanks for reading and sharing a comment.